Gundog Training Facility

A unique Gundog training facility based on a historic shooting estate in Cheshire, offering varying types of ground cover and water available in which to train your gundog. Exclusive 'real world' areas where you can focus on training, uninterupted away from other dogs and owners. 
We have a number of fields, woodland areas, cover crops, water features and purpose built long retrieving lanes, suitable for all levels of dog or breed. Explore and book these areas below.

If you are looking for a specific type of ground or are unsure of where would best suit your training needs, please contact us and we’ll do our best to find you the most appropriate location for your training.

Main Training Field & Woodland

This area features everything. A 14 acre fenced training area offering open expansive mature grassland with several straight mown long retrieving lanes. 
It offers specifically built, jump in/jump out enclosed retrieve areas with varying types of cover. 
There is a safe water training complex specifically designed for introducing young dogs to water. 
In addition to all of the above there is a large woodland area with bracken and briar cover perfect for hunting, quartering or retrieve training.

Willowbed Training Field

This area features woodland cover comprising of low bracken/briar cover, open grassland with carefully situated blocks of rough long grass and reed cover for either marked or blind retrieve training along with game crop cover making this area ideal for training all aspects of land based retrieving.

Water Training Field

This area features a large heart shaped pond providing several crossing points of varying difficulties. It also contains a small raised island in the middle perfect for retrieves. The pond is surrounded by grassland along with a game crop area and some rough marshland.

We try to ensure we have as many training areas available at any one time but as this facility is situated on a working farm and shooting estate and due to the resowing of cover crops and care of livestock etc, the following training areas may be unavailable for short periods during the year.


Game Cover Crop and Grassland

We offer several game cover crop areas perfect for working on your dog’s hunting along with large expansive grasslands great for longer retrieves.

Woodland Cover

We offer a large variety of woodland cover consisting of bracken and briar ground cover with areas of shrub cover. Perfect for hunting and blind retrieve training.